‎ — Transcendence


Searching for the Divine

A film by Dylan Wineland featuring Aaron McClintock


Some of the best artists in the world frequently talk about transcendental states of consciousness, and these states often lead them to create some of their finest work. Henry David Thoreau talked about accessing the divine by merely being in nature. But are these states of consciousness limited to just painters, writers, and musicians? 

By definition, Transcendence means to go beyond or above the range of normal human experience. After years and years of talking, philosophizing, and diving so far deep into the question of why we ride, we have found ourselves closer to the answer.

This is a film about stepping into yourself through doing something you love. A direct access into the divine. It is about finding that thing in life that can take you to that intangible place. It is about creating that bridge from artist to athlete, athlete to artist. It requires a relationship between your state of being, and the thing that you love to do. When you are operating at your highest self, it can translate into your craft, and in return, your craft can take you even further towards the divine. But it starts with you. The motorcycle is just a tool to help you get there. That’s why we ride.