The Alien Among Us
A film by Daniel Fickle
Words by Ben Giese & Daniel Fickle
Photography by Ben Ward
Featuring Brittany Wahl | Directed & edited by Daniel Fickle | Cinematography by David Chang | Narration by Dava | Additional photography by Joey Morian | Produced by Voca Films
There’s an alien among us.
An invasion of planet Earth by an enemy that we can’t see or fully understand. Homo sapiens are incredibly intelligent beings, capable of great good – but we also have violent and tribal instincts that often create more damage than resolution. We are creatures of control, fighting an invisible enemy that simply can’t be controlled. It has abducted our thoughts and actions, and it has helped fuel unimaginable fear, division and hatred that seems to be ripping our society apart. And while we are at each other’s throats, that invisible enemy continues to infect and kill hundreds of thousands of us.
As our lives continue to thicken with complexity, simplicity has become more and more desirable. Exploring empty roads in the middle of nowhere suddenly feels euphoric and sublime. What used to be a melancholy landscape now feels more like a dream. A refreshing isolation and a relief from the chaos of our world. A place for reflection and self-discovery.
This invasion has forced us to stop and look in the mirror. It has illuminated some of the ugliest aspects of humanity. But the hope is that this can also be an opportunity for us to learn from our current mistakes and move forward in a better way. To rediscover an appreciation for all that is good in the world. The unknown can be scary, but life has always been full of mystery. Beautiful mystery. And our innate curiosity to discover the answers that lie beyond that mystery is what propels humankind forward.
This alien doesn’t seem to be leaving anytime soon, and this may be our last chance to evolve as a species and rediscover the lost art of love and understanding. Understanding that we don’t know everything, and we can’t control everything. Understanding that there is great beauty in the unknown and the mysteries of life. It’s either that or we continue down a terrifying path of violence and self-destruction. Because if we can’t figure out how to coexist on this tiny blue oasis, then the only enemy we have to worry about is ourselves. And what a waste that would be.