Photography by Archie Leeming
A fter sending the motorbikes ahead of us by truck, we flew into Bloemfontein, South Africa a few days later to meet up with them. From there we made our way through the Drakensberg and into Lesotho via the Sani Pass. With August marking the end of winter here, we contended with some freezing nights but lucked out with some beautiful blue skies during the day. Our route took us across the width of the country along winding mountain roads to Semonkong before making the journey back to Cape Town. Here are some photos from the adventure.
A windy lunch stop in Golden Gate Highlands National Park.
Camping in the Drakensberg.
Crossing the Woodstock Dam.
The foothills of the Sani Pass, our passage into Lesotho.
Reaching the top at sundown before making camp on the cliff edge of the pass.
Braving the morning frost to get the first round of coffee in.
Chinese local investment provided freshly laid, yet deserted roads.
Traditional round 'Mokhoro' huts built into the hillside
Cherry blossom, aloe plants and sunburnt hills.
On the road to the border, we stumbled upon a Bosotho horse race taking place in a small village. Racing ponies are trained to 'triple', a gait between a trot and a canter.
Swartberg Pass