Ventura Needs You
Thomas Fire Relief
Help the Iron & Resin Relief team make an impact
The Thomas Fire has devastated Ventura County. As we write this the fire has become the 5th largest in modern California history. And while the hills burning and the Santa Ana blowing are a staple of southern California life, this fire season has created an immense amount of damage and loss.
While this fire still burns, others have begun to look at what life might look like next. The needs of relief are constantly changing. It’s a large beast. Those of us unaffected are often left wanting to help and not having any idea how we can truly be of service. And in the meantime there are families out there who need help right now, you just don’t know them.
The Iron and Resin Relief Team has been created in Ventura County to bridge this gap in communication. Using Guerilla Humanitarianism techniques, the team uses their funding and donations to tailor their relief efforts. Thus, your donations and your aide make a larger and more necessary impact.
How it works: their ground team is in the effected neighborhoods communicating with those in need. They update a live and active list that is constantly changing. This list is viewable to the public so you can make donations that go right to those who asked for them. Their hub in Ventura houses supplies and dispatches volunteers who deliver aid and work in these neighborhoods doing everything from clearing trees to putting out hotspots and whatever else comes their way.
So often we want to help and we don’t know how to help. Massive amounts of donations come in but it isn’t always what they need and what they need doesn’t always make it to them. I&R Relief Team aims to patch this up, a direct line to those who have been affected, so you can be effective.
They are currently in need of donations and support. Our community is strong and we all have something to offer be it your time in service, a financial donation, or a something from the list. So, if you or your brand or a group of buddies can be of service, Ventura needs you.