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Captain Tom

Riding the Lines Between Adventure and the Page

Words by Ben Giese | Artwork by Tom Pajdlhauser

Tomas Pajdlhauser, aka “Captain Tom,” is an artist and creative director based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. For the last 15 years, Tom has worked as an illustrator and designer in the cartoon industry, and currently works as an Art Director for animated TV shows and movies, with clients like Disney, Warner Bros., Nickelodeon, National Geographic and Mattel. Outside of his day job, Tom somehow manages to find the time and energy to integrate his passions into how he lives his life. 

Tom grew up skateboarding and still loves skating to this day.  That lifelong interest has resulted in the skate shop that he co-owns in Ottawa, called Birling. Tom loves the rush he gets from skateboarding, but as he gets older that rush is becoming harder to maintain, and bikes seem to fill that void. Tom also has a passion for travel that has inspired various motorcycle trips across the globe, where he documents the journey with beautiful illustrations in a sketchbook that he carries along.

The first time Tom brought a sketchbook with him on a trip was in Vietnam in 2012. This is when a light bulb went off, as he discovered the connection between riding motorcycles and capturing moments in sketchbooks. He tells me, “There’s something about the raw energy and sensory overload of riding bikes through new and exciting environments that paired so well with stopping and taking the time to sit down, focus and capture something that caught my eye.” Taking that time to stop and illustrate a scene is an opportunity to be truly present in that moment. It’s a way of appreciating all of the little details that would otherwise go unnoticed. But Tom’s sketches don’t just capture a place and a moment. They capture a feeling, and I think that’s what makes them so special. These moments on the road with a sketchbook are when he feels happiest. 

When I asked Tom how long he’s been a professional artist, he corrected me: “I never really became a ‘professional artist,’” he says. “I create art for myself, first and foremost, and rarely sell originals or have exhibitions. My art is documenting lived experiences in sketchbooks, particularly while on the road. But to answer your question, I’ve been doing that for 8 years.”

A perfect day for Tom would include waking up outdoors with the sun; packing gear onto his bike; riding with his pals (especially off-road); exploring new places; performing roadside repairs; stopping to sketch for an hour or two; and setting up camp somewhere new. Tom lives a unique life, riding the lines between the adventure and the page. I’m thankful for people like him, because they provide the rest of us with a refreshing reminder that you can design a life around the things that make you happy.