
Editorial Guidelines

Information for Freelance Writers


Our Mission

Engage people through stories of motorcycles, the places they take us, and the people who ride them.

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Submission Procedures 


Step One: Story Pitch

Let’s hear your idea first. We wouldn’t want you to spend time working on something that will just get rejected because it doesn’t align with the ethos of our brand. Let’s get the concept flushed out and approved before you get to work.


Fact Checking

We expect our writers to triple-check all names, place names, brand names, etc. If it’s in your story, it should be accurate and factual.

Spelling & Grammar

Checking your story for spelling and grammar is not optional. If there are a number of errors, it will be sent back to you for corrections.

Word Count

We are pretty flexible when it comes to word count. A standard feature typically ranges between 1,000-3,000 words. In situations that require a more in-depth analysis with more information, we accept up to 5,000 words. For photo features, we stick to a short intro (1-3 paragraphs) or some simple photo captions, or a combination of both.


Upon submission, META maintains first rights for publishing both in the print magazine and on our digital platforms (website and social media). If you are writing for us, it’s a META story. If a writer wishes to submit that same content to another platform, they need written permission by META, and we will accept or deny that request on a case-by-case basis.

Kill Fee

If we have agreed to work on a project with you and the story you submit is unusable, we can discuss offering you a kill fee of $75.


Typically we manage the photography with one of our trusted photographers, but if you already have someone in mind, we would love to se their work. All photographers and photo submissions must be approved by META to ensure the work meets our aesthetic standards.


All writers and photographers will be credited in the byline of the article featured in the print magazine and online at readmeta.com.

File Type

Please submit final written content in a Word document (.docx) so we can easily edit and track changes.

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Checklist Before You Submit

Is there a clear narrative?

Are all the facts stated in my story accurate and appropriately sourced?

Can any fat be trimmed from the story? Is anything unnecessary or redundant?

Are all names of people, places and objects spelled correctly? Please double-check.

Have you done a spelling and grammar check?

Have you included the caption and credit information for photographs?



Submissions and Questions

Ben Giese | META Creative Director & Editor-in-Chief
